DMCA & Abuse

The following types of content are not allowed to be shared on Safefileku. Such content will be promptly removed upon reporting:

Violating these rules will result in your account being banned from Safefileku.

If you come across content that falls into any of these prohibited categories on Safefileku, please report it using the report button on the download page of the file. When a file receives enough reports of the same type, it will be automatically blocked. We also conduct manual reviews of reported files periodically.

Copyright Infringement:

If you discover content that infringes on your copyright, you can send a formal DMCA takedown request to [email protected], and we will review it. In your email, you must make a sworn statement, under penalty of perjury, affirming that you (or your company) own exclusive rights to the claimed content. Please include the name of your organization for proper categorization.

Abuse reports from repeated senders are automatically processed, provided they are sent to [email protected]. Please do not send abuse reports to support, sales, or any other email address, as your report will be ignored or delayed.


Safefileku cannot be held liable for any illegal or copyrighted material uploaded by users of this application, in accordance with the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act ยง 512(c) in the USA and the Electronic Commerce Directive 2000 Article 14 in the EU.